Manage your money easily with Bilderlings accounts.

Money Transfer
Debit card
Virtual Card
Сredits and loans
Referral program
Mobile Apps

Bilderlings Pay Ltd is an electronic money institution focused on banking services for individuals and businesses. The company offers current accounts, international transfers, payment cards to natural persons, legal entities (international and EU). International transfers are processed in 19 currencies.


  • Personal IBAN

  • Affiliate program

  • Cashback

  • SEPA

  • Loyalty program

  • Insurance

  • Multicurrency account


  • Card

  • Crypto




Has mobile app:


Has web version:



English, Español, Deutsch, Русский, Italiano

Emi type:


Available in these countries:

AFG, Aland Islands, ANG, Anguilla, Antarctica, BAR, BDI, BEN, BHU, BUR, COK, COM, CPV, Crimea, CUB, DJI, ERI, Faroe Islands, FIJ, French Guyana, French Polynesia, GAB, GAM, GEQ, Greenland, GRN, Guadeloupe, GUI, GUY, IRI, IRQ, JPN, KGZ, KIR, LAO, LBA, LBR, Macao, Martinique, MHL, MLI, Montserrat, MTN, NAM, New Caledonia, NIG, Niue, PLW, PNG, PRK, Reunion, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, SAM, SKN, SOL, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, SUD, SUR, Svalbard and Jan Mayen, SYR, Timor-Leste, TJK, TKM, TOG, VAN, VIN, GBR, ASA, Bonaire, CAF, CHA, COD, GBS, GUM, ISV, KAZ, MAD, MAW, MGL, MYA, Norfolk Island, Northern Mariana Islands, NRU, PUR, Saint Barthelemy, Saint Martin, Sint Maarten, SLE, TLS, USA, UZB, Western Sahara, YEM, ALB, AND, ARG, ARM, ARU, AUS, AUT, AZE, BAH, BEL, BER, BIH, BIZ, BLR, BOL, BRA, BRN, BRU, BUL, CAM, CAN, CAY, CHI, CHN, COL, CRC, CRO, CYP, CZE, DEN, DMA, DOM, ECU, ESA, ESP, EST, Falkland Islands, FIN, FRA, French Guiana, French Polinesia, FSM, GEO, GER, Gibraltar, GRE, GUA, HKG, HON, HUN, INA, IND, ISL, ISR, ITA, IVB, JAM, JOR, KOR, KSA, KUW, LIE, LTA, LTU, LUX, MAS, MDA, MDV, MEX, MKD, MLT, MNE, MON, NCA, NED, NEP, Netherlands Antilles, NOR, NZL, OMA, PAN, PAR, PER, PHI, Pitcairn Islands, POL, POR, QAT, ROU, RUS, Saint Kitts and Navis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, SGP, SLO, SMR, SRB, SRI, SUI, SVK, SWE, TGA, THA, TPE, TTO, Turks and Caicos, TUV, UAE, UKR, URU, Vatican City, VEN, VIE, Wallis and Futuna, LAT, CGO, PAK, PLE, SOM, SSD, SEY, VUT, LIB, ZIM, BLG, JAP, IRL, ROM, BAN, NGR, TUR, Europe, IRE, GBP, CMR, GHA, GIB, RSA, RWA, SPA, UGA, EEA, HNK, NZD, EEA (USA not available now), EEA (USA and Canada not available now)





Main info

Main info
Has insurance:


Has trading:


Has budget planner:


Has bill split:






Has SEPA Instant:




Virtual card service fee:

1,5 GBP / 2 EUR

Main service fee text:

Free of charge

Account opening fee:

Document verification for opening an account and card issuing: 15 GBP / 20 EUR
Fee for holding funds on an Account (annual interest rate): 0,5% up to 100 000 EUR, 1% over 100 000 EUR (or equivalent in other currency).

Deposit fee:

SEPA: from 0,30 GBP / 0,35 EUR
Cross border payments: from 30 GBP / 35 EUR

Withdrawal fee:

Card PS (ATM): 2% (min 2,5 EUR)

P2P fee:


Main currency:


Number of currencies:


Conversion fee:


Other currencies:



Up to 1% cashback on your card purchases


Get discounts with your Bilderlings Mastercard:
- Up to 20% off on online purchases
- Discounts are valid for physical and virtual cards
- Double rewards


Business loans: From 5 % per annum

Interest account:

Interest rates up to 1.02%


Business account

Has card:


Has virtual card:


Has multicurrency card:


More info:

Monthly fee: 1,5 GBP / 2 EUR
Conversion fee: 2-3%
Cash withdrawal: 3%

Payment card type:


Card provider:


Virtual card pricing:


Virtual card service fee:

1,5 GBP / 2 EUR

Issuing fee:


ATM withdrawal fee:

2% (min 2,5 EUR)

Business account
Business account has IBAN:


Business account has SEPA:


Business account has SWIFT:


Business account has business card:


Business p2p fee has conversion:


Business account deposit methods and fees has conversion:


Business account withdrawal methods and fees has conversion:


Business account P2P fee:


Business account affiliate program:
Business account opening fee:

18 GBP / 20 EUR
Urgent document revision for opening an account: 450 GBP / 500 EUR
Fee for holding funds on an Account (annual interest rate): 0,5% up to 100 000 EUR, 1% over 100 000 EUR (or equivalent in other currency)

Business account deposit methods & fees:

Uploading funds to a Client Current Account by Client's payment card: 3% of the amount
Uploading funds to a Client Current Account by Client's payment card: from 0,30 GBP / 0,35 EUR
SEPA : from 0,30 GBP / 0,35 EUR

Business account withdrawal methods & fees:

Cash withdrawal: 2% (min. 2 GBP / 2,5 EUR)

User Reviews


account for company

Opened account for a company within a day. Working already 6 months. Looks legit

Andrew Fan

I paid for opening a personal account at the end of March, the system told me that in 1 day an account will be active. Now 1 month passed and the account is still inactive, my 'personal manager' never replied to me, however, I left 3 emailsI think this service is a SCAM and I don't recommend anybody to use it...


They first ask you all the company and personal docs (including selfie) and at the end (after they collected all your dcs) they ask for 1000 euro to verify your docs, BE EXTREMELY CAREFUL!!!


Hi,since last year i am contacting you to refund me money,you sent it to an iban with wrong BIC,now you closed my account because i didn't pay fees,fix your problems before asking me to pay fees,for what i pay you,you didn't manage my account and you didn't fix your problems, at least recall the payment,very bad customer supporti am tired from waiting you, you must investigate about your faults//Kind Regards,Balhadj


I just wanted to point out that I trust Bilderlings. I have a good contact with my manager and I can trust him, I know that they will do their best to help with any issues. I can trust them my money. Respect for that.


I did not believe that an account for a legal person would open in a day. But they did. Applause for that. Really helped my business.


I really recommend using the app for your daily operations. Intuitive, all services I need available in one click. I know what I am saying - using several banks’ applications and Bilderlings’ app is really ...


Personal manager is just great! To have a real human on the second line is priceless nowadays. I am so tired of the chatbots - it takes ages to resolve the issue. But Bilderlings offers real customer support. It’s a really great feature! Please do not switch to chatbots!


Please stop complaining! I understand that AML needs to check the money flows to combat money laundering. In my case all the requests from Bilderlings were reasonable, I do not understand why people are so mad about it. If you do not have anything to hide, everything is good. Good job, guys, keep working!


Why bilderlings want to come and justify it’s awful services registered with FCA doesn’t mean its good .Customer reviews BILDERLINGS SUCKS instead opt for N26 far better .Please don’t fall for scammers it’s not right time people we live in Technology advanced world where we can expose scammers to our fellow people of this beautiful place called earth and United we stand .Remember BILDERLINGS SUCKS STAY AWAY, Please……

Tommy Angelo

They lied to get money for account opening

Before opening a business account at Bilderlings I asked them if they worked with payment systems that I needed. The answer was positive, but after undergoing a very long compliance procedure and spending around 1000 eur for account opening I found out that there was no promised functionality in the account dashboard. My "personal manager" responds approximately once a week, so it's been weeks since I've opened the account, but I still can't figure out how to use the system. They only have the default bank transfers available and no sign of payment systems I was promised. They also charge 100eur per month as activity fee, as well as 100eur per month for INactivity fee. Basically, whatever you do or even if you don't do anything with the account, you pay 100eur. And that's apart from the 1000eur to open the account. A complete disappointment so far. Use Bilderlings at your own risk.


So far so good! I've been using Bilderlings almost for 4 months. Personal manager is always available and informative and very nice. I’m satisfied with payment execution time and prices. 5 stars and my recommendations! Keep at it!

Craig Harris

Stopped responding to me in after the account opening process, once I realized it has a 200 EU monthly fee.

Cal Legrand

Family day Bilderlings, I'm frightfully sorry, but you got really f@cked up there! Not only do I pay you money and sit for a month waiting for you to review the application, but then you send me a letter of refusal without indicating a reason.

William Phillips

Simple and convenient, not expensive! Friendly for companies, who are working worldwide. We are using API and it is working great! Fast payments and professional managers. Friendly support! Recommend for business!

Cordula Rickert
Mala Herve

This is a scam company. They pose as a bank in the UK in order to get potential customers to submit ID verifications and steal identities of people that sign up. They are not a legitimate bank or money transfer service. Avoid this place - they will steal your identity.

Gintars Rozentals

I recoment this for all people has a business

Sigi Kleiber

Business Light Group They are right when they say: the one fooled once will be fooled twice. But after the first time we didn't think about it. Long story short, we filed two applications for account opening and paid 800 euros for each of them. As a result, the accounts weren't opened, the money wasn't returned, the letters weren't answered. And it's quite unclear what to do.

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