SEPA and SEPA Instant: What is the Difference?
SEPA and SEPA Instant: What is the Difference?

SEPA and SEPA Instant: What is the Difference?


At the 2022 FinTech and Regulation Conference, which took place in February, the European Commissioner for "Financial Services, Financial Stability, and the Capital Markets Union," Mairead McGuinness, confirmed that the European Commission has plans to regulate SEPA Instant payments. The goal is to extend its adoption and usage to other geographical regions within the European Union (EU) in the second half of the year.

Fast forward to June 16, 2022. While giving a keynote speech at the 20th Anniversary Conference of the European Payment Council, Fabio Panetta said that the European payment system is being prepared for the future through the advancement of the SEPA Instant credit transfers (SCT Inst) scheme. Fabio is an Executive Board member of the European Central Bank.

Why did Mairead McGuinness and Fabio Panetta speak about SEPA Instant and not the standard SEPA payment? The simple answer is that both payment methods do not serve the same purpose. In this article, we will show you the difference between SEPA and SEPA Instant Transfers.

Ibrahim Busari
Ibrahim Busari
Ese Precious