Neobanks vs Traditional Banks
Neobanks vs Traditional Banks

Neobanks vs Traditional Banks

Necessity has never stopped being the mother of invention. People have been clamouring for faster, cheaper, easier, and more convenient banking services. These people include freelancers, remote employees, frequent travellers, migrant workers, entrepreneurs, and younger generation depositors and investors. They want to have 24/7 access to their banks, make quick deposits and withdrawals, wire money instantly and make payments to merchants from anywhere.  Although traditional banks have tried hard to keep up with the times, they have not always been able to meet all the needs of the most demanding customers. Hence, a new kind of challenger institution called “neobanks” evolved and became globally recognised in 2017. Now, this article adopts a crystal-clear approach to show you the differences between traditional banks and neobanks.

Ese Precious
Ese Precious
Ese Precious
Ese Precious
Ese Precious
Ese Precious
Anna Friedmann
Ese Precious