From 11 Cents to $11 750 000: How Does Investing in NFTs Work?
From 11 Cents to $11 750 000: How Does Investing in NFTs Work?

From 11 Cents to $11 750 000: How Does Investing in NFTs Work?


Given the most expensive NFT to date ($91.8 million), even the most sceptical readers (even if they didn't admit it to anyone) by now wondered at least once: how exactly does that work? 

Is there some sort of pattern, a long con, a scheme to make the rich even richer, or could you just as easily have been the lucky person who got a CryptoPunk for free and for fun at the beginning of the journey and paid only an 11-cent transaction fee and made a handsome 10681818082% profit on your investment? 

Let's see if we can shed some light on this mystery wrapped in an enigma. 

Ese Precious
Ese Precious
Ese Precious
Ese Precious
Ese Precious